Dear readers and viewers,
Metaleptic Attack, a video by Johannes Binotto, is now available to stream for free via Recycled Screenings. The film will be available until June 19th via the platform’s website.
Recycled Screenings is a curated, free, donation-based platform through which video essay and other found footage filmmakers can screen their work. Goal one: to offer a space for filmmakers to debut new works or bring older works into the digital space for a limited time. This a not-for-profit initiative, with the second goal being to provide a way for creators to raise funds via donations. Johannes has asked that any donations be made directly to the platform.
Below is a creator’s statement written by Johannes to accompany the video:
An attempt to remake a film by destroying it. To make it even more frightening than it ever dared to be, by letting the film attack my own viewing and editing machines. And have my viewing practices attack the film.
When Alfred Hitchcock for his 1963 film The Birds instead of natural audio used electronic sounds created by German composer Oskar Sala, he did so because of the ability of these disturbing sound objects "to vibrate on more than just one level." The electronic sound of the birds not only oversteps the boundary between living being and machine, but also between the content and form, as if the shrieking sounds of the birds not only attack the characters within the film but he film itself.
It is this I tried not only to capture, but to amplify – unbearably. From sound to image, from cinema to video, and back.
- Johannes Binotto
Also available on the Recycled Screenings website is a conversation between Johannes and me, a curator’s statement by me, and links to more of Johannes’ videos. Watch now!!
Thank you!